Using a subprime credit card can be a strategic way to rebuild your credit. You can choose an unsecured subprime card or a secured credit card. If you use the card responsibly, you will build a positive payment history. You can regularly check your credit report to ensure your use of the subprime card is positively impacting your credit. As your credit improves, you might transition to traditional credit cards with better terms.
Grow your credit history with responsible use of credit and on-time payments! Quite a few credit cards offer bonus and cash rewards for people who have fair or average credit. You may earn cash rewards while building credit.
You may earn cash rewards on all online purchases. Both Wells Fargo Active Cash Card and Citi Double Cash Card offer unlimited 2% cash back on every purchase, including online purchases. Both cards offer a $200 sign-up bonus. A few other cards offer 3% or more cash rewards on online purchases, with a cap on quarterly or yearly purchases.
Valley Bank is a regional bank headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey, with approximately $64 billion in assets. Founded in 1927, it is one of the largest commercial banks headquartered in New Jersey. Valley Bank operates over 230 branch locations and commercial banking offices across New Jersey, New York, Florida, Alabama, California, and Illinois. Its online High Yield Savings Account offers one of the best returns in the nation.
In January 2011, Discover Card introduced Discover More Card, featuring an unprecedented promotional balance transfer offer. New members were offered an exceptional 0% introductory APR on balance transfers, astonishingly lasting for 24 months. Initially available for over three months, this offer set a historical benchmark as the lengthiest 0% balance transfer promotion. While no other credit card has surpassed this record, several cards continue to present enticing deals of 21 months for individuals seeking to transfer high-interest balances.
Credit cards with 0% intro interest can help you save money. Whether you are trying to make a big purchase or paying off your existing debt, credit cards that offer 0% introductory APR let you borrow money from banks now and pay off debt later without incurring any interest or fees, as long as you make the minimum payments every month.
If you have good credit and are looking for a credit card with no annual fee, you can qualify for many cash back or travel credit cards that let you earn rewards on everyday purchases.
For individuals with less-than-perfect credit, the Total Visa Card presents a valuable opportunity to rebuild credit. As an unsecured card, it eliminates the need for making an initial security deposit. Most importantly, this card reports to all three major credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. This reporting mechanism ensures that responsible credit behavior, including making timely payments, will have a positive impact on the cardholder’s credit history. For individuals aiming to repair or build credit, the Total Visa Card proves to be an effective tool when used responsibly.
Several credit cards offer bonuses to people who eat out a lot, thanks to bonus points on restaurant spending. Which cards offer the most generous rewards dining purchases? Quite a few credit cards offer a lot of bonus and rewards while charging no annual fee. If you want more rewards and bonus on dining, or just want straightforward cash rewards, there is a card for you.
If you have average or fair credit, Capital One Platinum Credit Card is a good credit card to build credit without having to pay an annual fee. It is an unsecured card which means that you don't need to make a security deposit. It is a Mastercard that can be used almost everywhere. As long as you make payments on time, this card will be the perfect tool to establish credit.