If you are need extra cash to make a big purchase, you may use a 0% APR credit card to buy now and pay later. Credit cards with 0% intro APR allow you to charge a purchase to your credit card now and pay off the credit-card balance over time without incurring interest or fees, as long as you make the minimum payments every month. Many credit cards offer 0% introductory APR on purchases for 12 months or more. If you are short of cash for an expensive purchase, you can open a new credit card with 0% intro APR to enjoy the buying power now. After that, you can just make the minimum payment each billing cycle to avoid finance charges and pay off all the remaining balance at the end of your 0% introductory period. In this way, a 0% APR credit card not only helps you afford the purchase, but also helps you save money by paying no interest for a long time.
Cash back credit cards let you earn cash rewards on everyday purchases at supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, and department stores. Many cash back credit cards also offer a generous sign-up bonus. Earn up to 5% cash rewards and $200 bonus cash with these cash back credit cards.
Citi Rewards+ Card is a unique personal card that combines many nice features in one card. It gives new card members a moderate bonus, rewards cardholders for everyday purchases, and offers 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months. All of these perks come with no annual fee. If you are just looking for a no-annual-fee credit card to earn decent rewards on your regular expenses, the Citi Rewards+ Card would be a good option.
Credit cards with 0% intro interest on purchases can help you save money. Whether you are trying to pay off your debt or you need to make a big purchase in the near future, credit cards that offer 0% introductory APR on purchases let you borrow money from banks now and pay off debt later without incurring any interest or fees, as long as you make the minimum payments every month.
Bank of America has a Museums on Us program, which offers its customers free admission to more than 200 museums on the first full weekend of each month. If you are a Bank of America customer, you can enjoy free general admission to any participating museum by presenting your active Bank of America credit card or debit card. There are 236 museums that participate in the Museums on Us program. We have compiled the complete list of program participants.
Secured credit cards are great for people with no credit or damaged credit to rebuild their credit history. Since secured cards will report to three major credit bureaus, Transunion, Equifax, and Experian, cardmembers who responsibly use secured cards and pay their debts on time can improve their credit history and credit scores.
For small business owners, online advertising can be one of the largest expenses. If you are looking for a credit card to pay for Google Ads or Bing Ads, there are a few cards that offer higher rewards in the spending category of online advertising. You may earn up to 4% rewards in your first $150,000 spending on online advertising annually.
Quite a few credit cards offer $200 bonus after $1,000 is spent in purchases within the first 3 months of account opening. On top of the bonus, they give you cash rewards on purchases, 0% Introductory APR, travel perks, and have no annual fee.
Bank of America Customized Cash Rewards Card is offering $200 bonus cash back. It also offers 3% cash back on purchases in the category of your choice: gas, online shopping, dining, travel, drug stores, or home improvement/furnishings and 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs, such as Costco, Sam's Club, and BJ's. It has no annual fee. You can receive up to 75% bonus on your rewards by having qualifying bank account balances with Bank of America, which may increase your cash rewards to 5.25% on the your preferred spending category, 3.5% at grocery stores and wholesale clubs, and 1.75% on everything else.
Alternative Cash Rewards Credit Cards If you are interested in , you may also consider a few other credit cards with similar benefits.