You rely on a cell phone to stay connected with people in your life. Sometimes your phone may be damaged or stolen. Fortunately, you may use a credit card to protect against potential theft or damage. A few credit cards, such as those issued by Wells Fargo, offer cardholders complimentary Cellular Telephone Protection to provide coverage against cell-phone theft or damage. All you need to do is just paying cell phone bill with your covered credit card each month. Then you will be reimbursed up to the allowable limit for damage to, theft of or an involuntary and accidental parting of your eligible cell phone.
Credit cards with complimentary Cellular Telephone Protection
Which credit cards offer complimentary Cellular Telephone Protection as one of the benefits? Here is the list of credit cards that provide this benefit.
Credit Cards that offer Cell Phone Protection
Credit Card | Cell Phone Protection | Annual Fee | |
![]() | Mastercard® Gold Card™ | $995 ($295 for each authorized user added to the account) | |
![]() | Mastercard® Black Card™ | $495 ($195 for each authorized user added to the account) | |
![]() | Mastercard® Titanium Card™ | $195 ($95 for each authorized user added to the account) |
How does Cellular Telephone Protection work
You don’t need to enroll for the benefit of Cellular Telephone Protection. If you pay your wireless phone bill with one of the above covered credit cards, you are eligible for this Protection. Coverage begins the first day of the calendar month after you make a payment. Then if your cell phone is stolen or damaged, you will be eligible for reimbursement of the amount up to the maximum allowable limit, usually between $600 and $800, subject to a deductible of as low as $25. Cell phones that have been rented, borrowed, prepaid phones and lost phones are not covered by this Protection. If you have other insurance that applies, such as homeowner’s or employers’ insurance policies, this Protection is supplemental and applies only to the extent the other insurance does not cover.
What to do if your cell phone is stolen or damaged
You need to contact the customer services of your covered credit card to provide some preliminary claim information and to request an appropriate claim form. Phone number of the customer services can be found on the back of your card. Keep in mind, if your cell phone is stolen, you must first file a police report within 48 hours of becoming aware of the theft. To file a claim, you typically need to notify your credit-card company within 60 days and submit your completed claim form and supporting documentation within 90 days of the theft or damage.
What paperwork to submit with your claim
In addition to the claim form, you may need to provide the following supporting documentation:
- Your cellular wireless billing statement showing you paid the prior month’s cell phone bill with your covered card
- If the claim is due to theft or criminal action, a police report filed within 48 hours of the event.
- A copy of the device summary page from your cellular wireless phone bill or other sufficient proof of the claimed cell phone model linked to your cell phone account repair estimate or replacement receipt.
Cell phones have become an essential tool in our lives. Losing a cell phone to theft or using a phone with cracked screen is painful. Fortunately, a number of credit cards provide Cell Phone Protection benefit. It is a very nice credit-card perk that may save a few hundred dollars a year.