CIT Platinum Savings

  • Open a Platinum Savings account and get up to $300*. Enter promo code PS2025 at opening.
  • Get 4.30% APY with a balance of $5,000 or more
  • Earn 10x the National Average APY on balances of $5,000 or more
  • Your CIT Bank account is FDIC insured, which means it's secure
  • CIT Bank's mobile app makes it easy to manage your account
  • No account opening or monthly services fees, so you can keep what you earn.
  • Opening a Platinum Savings account takes about five minutes on your computer or mobile phone
  • CIT Bank is a division of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which means your deposit accounts are insured up to $250,000 per depositor, for each account ownership category.

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